ERODOTO - LE STORIE LIBRO VII CAPITOLO 189 testo greco e traduzione

Ιστορίαι Ηροδότου Πολύμνια - Βικιθήκη VIII - CLXXXIX Erodoto - Storie LIBRO VII capitolo 189 Herodotus, Histories, Book 7 189 Hérodote, Histoires

λέγεται δὲ λόγος ὡς Ἀθηναῖοι τὸν Βορέην ἐκ θεοπροπίου ἐπεκαλέσαντο, ἐλθόντος σφι ἄλλου χρηστηρίου τὸν γαμβρὸν ἐπίκουρον καλέσασθαι....


Si racconta che gli Ateniesi, in base a una profezia, avessero invocato Borea: avevano infatti ricevuto un altro responso, che li invitava a invocare come difensore il loro "genero". Secondo la leggenda dei Greci, Borea aveva una moglie attica, Orizia figlia di Eretteo;

perciò gli Ateniesi, a quanto si dice, deducendo da questa parentela acquisita che Borea era il "genero" in questione, quando si accorsero che la tempesta cresceva, o anche prima (erano appostati con la flotta a Calcide in Eubea), offrirono sacrifici a Borea e a Orizia, pregandoli di venire in loro aiuto e di distruggere le navi dei barbari, come già prima all'Athos.

Se fu per questo che Borea si abbatté sui barbari alla fonda, io non lo so: gli Ateniesi assicurano che Borea, che già in precedenza li aveva aiutati, anche allora fu autore di quella impresa; e, tornati a casa, gli edificarono un tempio sulle rive del fiume Ilisso.


There is a story reported that the Athenians had called upon Boreas to aid them, by suggestion of an oracle, because there had come to them another utterance of the god bidding them call upon their brother by marriage to be their helper.

Now according to the story of the Hellenes Boreas has a wife who is of Attica, Oreithuia the daughter of Erechththeus. By reason of this affinity, I say, the Athenians, according to the tale which has gone abroad, conjectured that their "brother by marriage" was Boreas, and when they perceived the wind rising, as they lay with their ships at Chalkis in Eubœa, or even before that, they offered sacrifices and called upon Boreas and Oreithuia to assist them and to destroy the ships of the Barbarians, as they had done before round about mount Athos. Whether it was for this reason that the wind Boreas fell upon the Barbarians while they lay at anchor, I am not able to say; but however that may be, the Athenians report that Boreas had come to their help in former times, and that at this time he accomplished those things for them of which I speak;

and when they had returned home they set up a temple dedicated to Boreas by the river Ilissos.

traduzione francese

On dit qu'un autre oracle ayant répondu aux Athéniens d'appeler leur gendre à leur secours, ils avaient, sur l'ordre de cet oracle, adressé leurs prières à Borée.

Borée, selon la tradition des Grecs, épousa une Athénienne nommée Orithyie, fille d'Érechthée. Ce fut, dit-on, cette alliance qui fit conjecturer aux Athéniens que Borée était leur gendre. Ainsi, tandis qu'ils étaient avec leurs vaisseaux à Chalcis d'Eubée pour observer l'ennemi, dès qu'ils se furent aperçus que la tempête augmenterait, ou même avant ce temps-là, ils firent des sacrifices à Borée et à Orithyie, et les conjurèrent de les secourir, et de briser les vaisseaux des Barbares comme ils l'avaient été auparavant aux environs du mont Athos.

Si, par égard pour leurs prières, Borée tomba avec violence sur la flotte des Barbares, qui était à l'ancre, c'est ce que je ne puis dire. Mais les Athéniens prétendent que Borée, qui les avait secourus auparavant, le fit encore en cette occasion.

Aussi, lorsqu'ils furent de retour dans leur pays, ils lui bâtirent une chapelle sur les bords de l'Ilissus.

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